BOOKING FORM for the 2024 BCA Summer Cup (played remotely from 13th July to 21st September 2024)

Please note that the closing date for entries is Monday 8th July 2024.  If you submit this form after that date your entry may not be accepted.

BOOKING FORM – 2024 BCA Summer Cup


Are you a BCA member?
If you are not already a member please contact us before booking. Membership is mandatory for this event.


Name of person entering the tournament.

When this form is submitted a copy of the details you have input will be sent to the email address entered above.


If your July 2024 rating is, or could be, under 1450, please indicate which section you would prefer to play in if there is more than one.

If you do not state a preference you will be entered in a section according to your July 2024 rating.

If you are female, please state whether you are in favour of playing for a Ladies’ Trophy.
There will be a Ladies’ Trophy if a majority of the female players who enter the tournament are in favour of it.
Would you like to request a half point bye in any one of the first 4 rounds?
Please note that bye requests are not permitted in the final round, but the end date may be extended by up to a week if necessary.  Byes can also be requested during the tournament provided the arbiters are given sufficient notice.
Please indicate which playing platforms you can use. Tick all that apply.

Kindly note that the default is Zoom, but other platforms can be used by mutual agreement.  Invitations to Zoom meetings can be provided when needed.

Do you consent for your forename, surname, club, results, gender and, if you are under 18 years old your date of birth, to be sent to the ECF for rating purposes?

Please note that we cannot accept your entry without your consent to send your rating information to the ECF. 

Do you consent for your forename, surname, playing platforms and contact details to be shared with all 2024 Summer Cup players and arbiters?

Please note that we cannot accept your entry without your consent to share your name, platforms and contact details with the other competitors and the tournament officials.


Please include any other information that you would like to send to the organiser, for example additional playing platforms or dates of any holidays during the event.
Thank you for completing this form.  Please now click the Submit button!