
Photo of coaching group

Full membership is open to any visually impaired person while fully sighted friends and family are welcome to join as associate members.  The fees are as follows:

  1. Under 25 with a visual impairment – FREE
  2. Under 18 with no visual impairment – FREE
  3. 1 year full or associate – £10
  4. 5 years full or associate – £20
  5. Life membership full or associate – £50

Please complete this form or contact us if you’re interested in joining!

You can pay for membership by bank transfer using the following details:
Account name: Braille Chess Association
Sort code: 40 52 40
Account number: 00082456

To pay by cheque please contact our treasurer or call 0153 837 1466 .

Membership Benefits:

All members receive

  • Four issues of the BCA gazette per annum.
  • Eligibility to play in our email, correspondence and virtual events.
  • Subsidised accommodation for our over the board events.

Visually impaired UK resident members also receive

  • Free chess coaching.
  • Subsidised adapted chess sets and clocks.
  • Free entry for their first BCA tournament, together with either free accommodation for a weekend event or a £100 reduction for a one week event.  They may also be accompanied by a guide or companion who, in appropriate circumstances, will receive the same concession.
  • Access to our library of accessible chess materials.
  • Financial support to assist with the travel and accommodation costs when attending mainstream congresses.
  • The possibility of being selected to represent the BCA in events in the UK and overseas.  Generous financial support is given to those selected to play abroad. 
  • For further information read more in About Us or email our membership secretary.

Visually impaired UK resident members who are under 25 years old also receive:

  • Free entry and free accommodation when competing in BCA events. 
  • In some circumstances the parent or guardian of a visually impaired child may also receive free accommodation.
  • Other benefits such as: the provision of chess equipment or coaching, at the discretion of the committee.

We hope to see you soon in our association!